Scrappy Strings Quilt

By Anna - January 09, 2025

The idea for this quilt came from 1) wanting to do something with all the scraps I have accumulated, and 2) The Scrappiness is Happiness book by Lori Holt that this pattern came out of. 

In late 2023/early 2024 I decided I would make this quilt and started preparing the blocks. The pattern called for 80 blocks and I had every intention of doing that many when I started this project. However, somewhere along the line I decided this was taking way too long and although I have plenty of scraps to keep making more, I just wanted to end this quilt and move on. At that point, I decided to only do 63 blocks and would assemble 7 block across and 9 blocks down. The original pattern was 8 across and 10 down.

When it came time to quilt I decided not to use any batting as I had made the blocks using an interfacing to sew the strips to. I couldn't decide on a pattern to use and the first pattern picked didn't look right after the first row, so I had to get ole' Jack out and start pulling out stitches. I do not recommend that as it is a very tedious task.

In the end I decided to just freehand a wavy pattern and had also chose to put the quilt top on sideways as opposed to up and down so I have these wavy lines running up and down. I will admit they don't look good, but this quilt is done and I will move on. I'm going to put it in my car so when I'm out traveling and find a place I want to stop and sit, I have a quilt to use.

The fabric used for this quilt was all from Lori Holt quilts, so I also chose a Lori Holt print for the backing. This is from her Prairie line and I love it. I will be using it for another quilt I am doing in 2025.

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