Stitchery Sampler Quilt - Block 2 is complete

By Anna - June 14, 2021

I have been working on the Stitchery Sampler for several weeks. At first I had planned to cut out all my fabrics for each block and then go back and assemble them, but after I finished the hexagons on block 4, I decided to assemble what I have cut out. 

Block 2 is called The Clover and is actually applique. I have only done applique one other time when I made a quilted pillow, so I wasn't sure how these were going to turn out. I watched the video Joanna had put together, but she used freezer paper and at the time I was working on the pieces I didn't have any and I remembered when I appliqued the pillow I completed, I had used fused applique pieces so I decided to do that with this block.

The pattern comes with a clover shape, so I copied that, picked the fabrics I wanted to use and fused them to the fusable paper that I had bought for another project. I then cut around each shape cutting 4 pieces for each clover. In order to complete the block, I cut a piece for the background and applied the four pieces for each clover spacing them out as Joanna had described in the video.

Appliqued clover to the background block.

Close up of the center clover!

All the clovers added to the background piece!

Once I attached all the clovers to the background, I then done a zigzag stitch around each clover to make sure it would not come off once the quilt top is completed and washed. The stitching is not perfect, but it accomplishes what I was trying to do and gives me something to improve upon as I continue to do more and more quilts.
Appliqued clover

Completed BLOCK 2

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