February 2025 Quilt Progress

By Anna - February 28, 2025

Time for my February update on my quilt progress for the 13 quilts I pledged to do in 2025. 

The Quilted Snowman - This QAL has been split into several parts over a 12 month period with the goal to complete 2 parts each month. I was able to finish parts 2-12 this month. At this rate I should be done by end of March despite me being on vacation for part of the month. 

  Part 2 - the Whirling Snowflake Blocks which were 8 - 5  1/2" blocks

    Part 3 - the Glitter Star Blocks which were 3 - 8 1/2" blocks

    Part 4 - the Shimmering Snowflake Blocks which were 2 - 12 1/2" blocks

    Part 5 - the Brilliant Snowflake Block which is a 16 1/2" block

Part 6 - Mitten and Arms Blocks

Part 7 - Merry Stick Pine Block

Part 8 - Merry Stick Pine Stand Block

Part 9 - Tall Evergreen Tree Block (the one on the right, this is a super tall block)

Part 10 - Snowfall Block and Snowdrift Block (top and bottom connected with the arm done previously)

Part 11 - Winter Hat Block and Part 12 - Snowman Face Block (already connected)

Next up is to start constructing the wagon and then Mr. Snowman himself. 

Vintage Christmas - Still waiting to get Mr. Snowman finished before I start this one as I will be using the left over fabric from the Quilted Snowman to make this quilt. Hope to get started no later than May.

Riley Blake Designs Block Challenge - There will be 3 blocks per month, released on Tuesday, except on the last Tuesday of the month. I was able to compete all 3 blocks this month. 

Block 4
Block 5
Block 6

Cali & Co Mystery Block - there will only be one block released each month. I completed block 2 this month. I am using fabric from Corey Yoder's Cali and Co line.

A Quilting Life - I received my fabric this month and was able to complete both the January and February releases. These blocks finish at 18 1/2" square. 

January Block
February Block

Prairie Home Sampler - this one doesn't start until March. 

I am pleased with my progress and hope to continue to stay on track and complete some beautiful quilts designed by some awesome designers.

There are 2 other quilts I committed to complete this year as well, but since I will be using scraps from each of my finished quilts, there might not be completed blocks each month for those two. One will be the Woven Star Quilt where the blocks are made using the woven star quilt foundation paper and the other will be Bitty Brick House. I hope to have at least one block for each made in February using the leftover fabrics from the two finishes I had this month.

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